
Archive for 2003

Amy Alexander writes about Jimpunk and Josh Larios

Saturday, November 15th, 2003

The word “network,” at least in a social sense, seems to have a connotation of closedness. Think of the term “networking” – it refers to making connections with people within a fairly tightly defined circuit. A network can be a “community” – and that’s a Good Thing. But it can also become a clique, sometimes […]

if (jimpunk==prozac)…

Tuesday, November 4th, 2003

You can’t escape jimpunk. I tried, believe me: it was easy to be disillusioned with net.art, with so many new works showing up on the list-servs plunging so far into the morass of conceptualism that both the “net” and “network” properties that have always distinguished the medium seem to have submerged somewhere deep below the […]


Monday, October 20th, 2003

Jimpunk.com http://www.jimpunk.com Automation The site is mainly characterized by it’s automation. All of the pieces presented to us in a sequence. The piece would automaticaly cycle through its content in the sequence it was designed. At some point it stops at a loop until interaction from the user is invoked. This interaction can either be […]


Friday, October 17th, 2003

from Jaka Železnikar Jimpunk, Jimpunk: /_____________1_____________/ in www.-reverse.-flash-.-.back-. Ne pozabite svojemu pregledovalniku dopustiti, da strani lahko same odpirajo nova okna. Likovna izraznost, ki uporablja okna kot del svoje estetike, kot prisvojen element vmesnika, enakovreden animiranim vsebinam, ki segajo od popolnega formalizma do kopice kulturnih associacij. Presecni množici: DJ/VJ kultura, zgodnja spletna umetnost. ——————————————————————————– www.mladina.si/dnevnik/38155/

www.-reverse.-flash-.-.back- …………. statement …………. 20031016 – 12:47 (3)

Thursday, October 16th, 2003

http://www.jimpunk.com/www.-reverse.-flash-.-.back-/ title : www.-reverse.-flash-.-.back- statement : . – ..e.. …i..oi.e ..u.e ..i..e..e & ..u. ..a.o.* (revolution) – . <meta name=”date-creation-yyyymmdd” content=”20030902″> <meta name=”date-revision-yyyymmdd” content=”20031013″> html javascript audio flash made on PC P IV 1,8Ghz recommended for PC Internet Explorer 6 tested PC Internet Explorer, mozilla tested MAC Internet Explorer, Safari SpeedWarning Connection *fr .


Wednesday, October 15th, 2003

I’ve always found the browser art of Parisian net.artist jimpunk utterly stunning. His newest work, .-reverse.-flash-.-.back- arrived in my email box yesterday. Abstract. Intricate. Layered. Captivating. Art is a process of discovery, a practice of science, an exploration of medium. jimpunk’s work, to me, places nothing ON the medium; instead, it is sculpted from it. […]

*PAVU s ( P2P ) :nterv:ew as man:pulated 6oo6Le quest:ons ()

Monday, October 6th, 2003


Abstraction Now!,

Saturday, September 20th, 2003

From : Jaka Železnikar Jimpunk: 1n-0ut Jimpunk: 1n-0ut. Vizualna ekstravaganca, ekspresija s kanckom pridiha po zgodnji spletni umetnosti in anarho-artisticni spletni estetiki. Ne pozabite brskalniku dovoliti, da javascripti lahko sami odpirajo nova okna. http://mladina.si/dnevnik/37219/

_ screensaver _____________1_____________

Tuesday, September 2nd, 2003


1n-0ut, suoni e interfacce a tutto schermo.

Monday, September 1st, 2003

Il lavoro di settembre presentato dal DIAN (Digital Interactive Artists’ Network) è 1n-0ut dell’artista francese Jimpunk, autore di numerosi esperimenti di poesia e animazione quali GogolChat, International Computers *Error*, Slampoetrypictures e T.L.J. project. Un’ipnotico loop di sottofondo scandisce l’alternarsi continuo delle finestre prodighe di simboli, astrazioni geometriche e zoom su figure che ritornano con sistematicità […]

Im Internet: Künstlerseiten

Monday, July 28th, 2003

JIMPUNK, ein Internetkünstler dessen Seite mit den Erscheinungsformen von Internetbefragungen und Fehlermeldungen spielt. Ebenso überraschend wie erstaunlich sind die Animationen und Pixelspielereien mit multiplen Quadraten und tanzen Totenköpfen. Die verwirrende Navigation durch die vielfach verschachtelte Hierarchie sollte einen dabei nicht abschrecken. Eine wahre Punkseite! link…

How does TV culture affect new media and the web?

Friday, July 25th, 2003

Now the above question can be entertained in Jim Punk’s latest blogspot: http://544×378.free.fr/(WebTV)/index.htm. WebTV is a blog specializing in graphics as opposed to text. The result is a commentary on TV culture as a medium affecting new technologies such as the web. WebTV uses TV language to create a daily journal. Jim Punk’s new blogspot […]

?-?-?-?-?-?-? Blog-bble Gum — Blog-bble Gun ?-?-?-?-?-?-?

Friday, July 4th, 2003

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Thursday, June 5th, 2003

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jules et jim

Tuesday, June 3rd, 2003

http://www.kalogera.net/dada/ collaboration work by ctgr, jimpunk and maya kalogera