
Archive for 2005

One second video festival, il vincitore

Friday, December 23rd, 2005

E’ Jim Punk il vincitore del One second video festival, premiato al Peam 2005, il meeting dedicato all’arte elettronica. www.interrupt.it/scheda_p.asp?IDVideo=176 / the text of the video is the following: Vi presentiamo lÂ’opera di Jimpunk, artista francese, esponente del net.art piú cristallino che da anni produce instancabilmente i suoi javascript dÂ’autore, le sue sculture da browser, […]

The Sharpest Point By Chris Gehman, Steve Reinke

Sunday, December 18th, 2005

The Discrete Charm of the digital image : animation and new media by David Clark http://books.google.com/books?id=XFW2vY9Yib0C&pg=PA145&dq=jimpunk&ei=IVFKScLPKpSWMsuviZYM

free103point9/ Rhizome open call

Friday, December 2nd, 2005

from Lauren Cornell Message 1 of 1 in thread 2005-12-02 10:55:50 AM free103point9 and Rhizome.org are pleased to announce the participating artists and projects in a special online exhibition launching January 10, 2006. The following web-based transmission projects were selected from an open call for submissions this fall: 31 Down, www.the Somnambulator Abe Linkoln & […]

Ad*e*e/sinapsis » Blog Archive » One Second Video Festival

Sunday, November 27th, 2005

Jimpunk ha sido el ganador de esta segunda edición del concurso de videos, limitados a un segundo de duración, que organiza Respeto Total. Jimpunk es uno de esos artistas encantados de asumir limitaciones técnicas o conceptuales a la hora de afrontar su trabajo. Así que no me ha sorprendido la extraña capacidad de su video […]

jimpunk besøger Mouchette – en cool affære pÃ¥ nettet

Thursday, November 17th, 2005

Der er noget selvbekræftende ved at se sine gode venner mødes – og have noget til fælles. Det fryder mig derfor, at to af mine yndlingsavatarer for længst har fundet sammenog interageret via deres browsere. Netaktivisten jimpunk , kendt for at "destruere din browser med indhold" – og den selvmordsbesatte net-lolita Mouchette, hvis navn refererer […]

Nicolas Cage en 1 seconde

Thursday, November 17th, 2005

En vis à vis de cette notule publiée sur Aeiou, je ne peux m’empêcher de faire partager ici ma courte (mais intense) émotion cinématographique* du jour : Nicolas Cage (.mov), un film (?) du net artiste Jimpunk, diffusé dans le cadre du Festival Vidéo d’Une seconde. * émotion cinématographique ? c’est la question que l’on […]


Wednesday, November 16th, 2005


Serier og venner pÃ¥ www – netkanalen 56k-Bastard Channel

Thursday, November 10th, 2005


Cut to the Chase

Sunday, November 6th, 2005

Den andra upplagan av One Second Film Festival har nyligen avgjorts. Vinnare blev den flitiga JimPunk med sin spektakulära kingkongViolencehistory, som sätter samman bilder från Peter Jacksons kommande King Kong-film och David Cronenbergs A History of Violence. Övriga bidrag kan beskådas på festivalens hemsida. (Tack till DVblog.) posted by Martin Degrell @ 22:59 via degrell.blogspot.com/2005/11/cut-to-chase.html


Friday, November 4th, 2005

Rhizome ArtBase Spotlight: ~ 1n-0ut [meditation] ~ (2003) by jimpunk, a piece that orchestrates multiple browsers into what we’d like to call ‘desktop wave’.

JimPunk: A Master Class in One Second Movie Making

Thursday, November 3rd, 2005

by michael Nicolas Cage (2005, 1.7MB, 1 sec.) JimPunk has several movies in the 2nd one second movie festival hosted by Spanish site respeto-total. His winning piece, kingkongViolencehistory, is below, but even better is his Nicolas Cage – an object lesson in clarity, conveyed in the blink of an eye. kingkongViolencehistory (2005, 1.1MB, 1 sec.) […]


Monday, October 17th, 2005

Jimpunk has a new interactive piece: “Joseph.Beuys – JA JA JA JA JA NEE NEE NEE NEE NEE – AsCii Sound rem:x – #1 – 20051013-12:04.” A shamanistic utterance by Beuysis given a Steve Reich “Come Out” treatment in three dimensions. Tthe dimensions being: height, width, and time. The sound bites overlap, go out of […]


Saturday, October 15th, 2005

SCREENFULL has been inactive for a while but jimpunk has a new interactive piece: “Joseph.Beuys – JA JA JA JA JA NEE NEE NEE NEE NEE – AsCii Sound rem:x – #1 – 20051013-12:04.” A shamanistic utterance by Beuys–not familiar with the clip–is given the Steve Reich “Come Out” treatment in three dimensions, the dimensions […]

net art : Remixing Joseph Beuys

Friday, October 14th, 2005

Posted by vtanni on 2005/10/14 18:55:54 (106 reads) Joseph Beuys è uno degli artisti contemporanei più amati. Un po’ per la sua rarissima capacità di coniugare forma e contenuto, politica e poetica, un po’ per il fascino indubbio del personaggio. Molte le citazioni e gli omaggi, che fioccano anche in rete… [segue] Joseph Beuys is […]

Joseph.Beuys JA JA JA JA JA NEE NEE NEE NEE NEE AsCii Sound rem:x

Thursday, October 13th, 2005

Joseph.Beuys JA JA JA JA JA NEE NEE NEE NEE NEE AsCii Sound rem:x #1 20051013-12:04 http://www.jimpunk.com/Joseph.Beuys/ .player flash javascript frame info about JA JA JA JA JA NEE NEE NEE NEE NEE >>> ubu