

Saturday, October 15th, 2005

SCREENFULL has been inactive for a while but jimpunk has a new interactive piece: “Joseph.Beuys – JA JA JA JA JA NEE NEE NEE NEE NEE – AsCii Sound rem:x – #1 – 20051013-12:04.” A shamanistic utterance by Beuys–not familiar with the clip–is given the Steve Reich “Come Out” treatment in three dimensions, the dimensions […]

net art : Remixing Joseph Beuys

Friday, October 14th, 2005

Posted by vtanni on 2005/10/14 18:55:54 (106 reads) Joseph Beuys è uno degli artisti contemporanei più amati. Un po’ per la sua rarissima capacità di coniugare forma e contenuto, politica e poetica, un po’ per il fascino indubbio del personaggio. Molte le citazioni e gli omaggi, che fioccano anche in rete… [segue] Joseph Beuys is […]

Joseph.Beuys JA JA JA JA JA NEE NEE NEE NEE NEE AsCii Sound rem:x

Thursday, October 13th, 2005

Joseph.Beuys JA JA JA JA JA NEE NEE NEE NEE NEE AsCii Sound rem:x #1 20051013-12:04 http://www.jimpunk.com/Joseph.Beuys/ .player flash javascript frame info about JA JA JA JA JA NEE NEE NEE NEE NEE >>> ubu

:: PLAY> @ Agnes.b Cinema

Saturday, September 24th, 2005

*Premiere Screening this Saturday Sept 24th @ Agnes.b Cinema, HK Arts Centre! Screening at Agnes.b Cinema in late September (24th & 30th), & Habitus in the month of November (4th & 11th). PLAY> is a collection of experimental work, aiming to explore the creative potentials of game play in audiovisual form and to reflect upon […]

magnum i.p.

Saturday, July 23rd, 2005

the 24hr online performance/happening/blog “magnum i.p.” has now concluded please visit it in it’s archived form at http://www.screenfull.net/magnum-i.p/ linkoln + jimpunk

Simple Net Art Remix ()

Friday, April 9th, 2004

Simple Net Art Diagram by MTAA ca. 1997 / 2004.remix ): :f / Abe + ): = * http://544×378.free.fr/(WebTV)/simpleNETARTdiagram.html an explanation to what really happens


Wednesday, March 17th, 2004

www.</>// 20040317-15:18

www.-reverse.-flash-.-.back- …………. statement …………. 20031016 – 12:47 (3)

Thursday, October 16th, 2003

http://www.jimpunk.com/www.-reverse.-flash-.-.back-/ title : www.-reverse.-flash-.-.back- statement : . – ..e.. …i..oi.e ..u.e ..i..e..e & ..u. ..a.o.* (revolution) – . <meta name=”date-creation-yyyymmdd” content=”20030902″> <meta name=”date-revision-yyyymmdd” content=”20031013″> html javascript audio flash made on PC P IV 1,8Ghz recommended for PC Internet Explorer 6 tested PC Internet Explorer, mozilla tested MAC Internet Explorer, Safari SpeedWarning Connection *fr .

Javascript meditation

Tuesday, March 4th, 2003

Un componimento incomprensibile, un po’ in francese un po’ in inglese, figlio zoppicante di un translator mal programmato. La traccia sonora di un elettrocardiogramma, che ritma lenta un succedersi apparentemente interminabile di pagine che si moltiplicano, si spostano sullo schermo, si ridimensionano, lampeggiano – e che, come al cinema, ha una brusca accelerata finale per […]


Sunday, December 30th, 2001

title : www.nowar.nogame.org date-creation : december 30, 2001 support : internet configuration : PC, Mac, internet explorer, netscape, etc size : 1,14 Mo (1 201 896 bytes), size on disc : 1,44 Mo (1 515 520 bytes) time : ~ 7 mn caractéristik : html, javascript, flash, animated gif date : source code signature : […]