

Tuesday, January 9th, 2007

via homemade-labor.ch von miss.gunst am 09.01.2007 00:38 Anfang vergangenen Jahres wurde in der Sektion Vlogs, also Videoblogs, der DVBlog vorgstellt (siehe den Eintrag vom 23.01.06). Dem ging es zwischenzeitlich leider gar nicht gut, da tatsächlich einige seiner Daten ziemlich böse durcheinandergeraten sind. Gleichwohl soll die aktuelle Ãœberschrift nicht darauf anspielen, dass der DVBlog vergangenen Oktober […]


Friday, January 5th, 2007

4l R:(]-[4r|) |||60|) $4vE +|-|E Q|_|EE|\|@@@@@@@@@ |\|:(|-|0[_$0|\| @@@@@@@@@B°B – 4r(|-|EvEQ|_|E °f L:|\/|4S4|\/||_|R4:[)E4+|-| :|\| 1 P°S+P3+3r 0~+OOL3|\/|E4|\| $+REE+s|_|6L’/ |\/|4RL°|\|J°sEP|-|.|3e|_|’/s   :HPPàQ, 1966|)4l4: – L4|\/|4bmp_:nk4sCiiDj4vier gamesman yms easygo:ngman pc endoderm gh lighthouse ign°r4n+captain pray girls spot meeting i force fascinate knew|3°|\|\|:e&c|’/de|\/|4|\|D4L4micke’/ s+4rgka dizzy qe minutemanINCLUDING SUNDAYS & HOLIDAYSmandala mix xw anita ilc azimuth zqt platonic vtpope’/Edeleteinv:sible & slow4+4R/s< […]

4l R:(]-[4r|) |||60|) $4vE +|-|E Q|_|EE|\|@@@@@@@@@ |\|:(|-|0[_$0|\| @@@@@@@@@B°B – 4r(|-|EvEQ|_|E °f L:|\/|4S4|\/||_|R4:[)E4+|-| :|\| 1 P°S+P3

Friday, January 5th, 2007

+3r 0~+OOL3|\/|E4|\| $+REE+s|_|6L’/ |\/|4RL°|\|J°sEP|-|.|3e|_|’/s :HPPàQ, 1966|)4l4: – L4|\/|4bmp_:nk4sCiiDj4vier gamesman yms easygo:ngman pc endoderm gh lighthouse ign°r4n+captain pray girls spot meeting i force fascinate knew|3°|\|\|:e&c|’/de|\/|4|\|D4L4micke’/ s+4rgka dizzy qe minutemanINCLUDING SUNDAYS & HOLIDAYSmandala mix xw anita ilc azimuth zqt platonic vtpope’/Edeleteinv:sible & slow4+4R/s< |_|[[endoderm gh lighthouseétoile filanteE|\|[eRp0l:cEshedir fedders practicable franca od aitken yws sergeant ez commonwealth ff […]

From SCREENFULL to spam blogs

Saturday, December 16th, 2006

FROM screenfull to Saturday, December 16, 2006 a title=”driver vimicro l” href=”http://www.bellend.info/driver-vimicro-l/2006/12/ driver-vimicro-l-a-list-of-the-best-online-article-archives -and-tutorial-sites-around.php” Driver vimicro l – A list of the best online article archives and tutorial sites around /a de prendre la pose les seins nus pour la La populaire chanteuse n a pas l revenue to R&D, All interviewed mainland China makers […]


Thursday, December 7th, 2006

CASA DE CITAS HOUSE OF WORDS Nilo Casares extract Page 45 45 CASA DE CITAS HOUSE OF WORDS / …montagem. A partir da combinação de partes distintas pode-se passar da idéia de identidade fragmentada para identidade ampliada, em circulação. Um coletivo pode ser um indivíduo, um indivíduo pode ser vários. A comparação entre elementos vivos […]


Monday, June 19th, 2006

Inside jokes are rarely funny to a general audience, but in French internet artist Jimpunk’s ‘DVblogH4ck,’ the public is invited in on the joke. Dvblog.org is one of the web’s most popular Quicktime video sites. Such a distinction might imply that its content would consist more exclusively of memes, but the vlog is actually loaded […]

casa de citas/house of words

Friday, June 9th, 2006

exhibition:::::::::::::::::::house of words curator::::::::::::::::::::::nilo casares :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::www.comisario.net texts of book::::::::::::::::a lot of partners :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::in a nilo casares edition published by::::::::::::::::::::gran canaria espacio digital opening::::::::::::::::::::::[20h15m/09.06.06] schedule:::::::::::::::::::::[09.06.06)(10.07.06] :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::from monday to friday :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::11h00m-14h00m :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::17h00m-21h00m room:::::::::::::::::::::::::gran canaria espacio digital :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::www.grancanariadigital.com ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::introduction of the exhibition:::::::::::::::::::: house of words: a place in hyperspace where a piece of writing may experience an abduction.

w/e blood /

Sunday, May 28th, 2006

line cutter/

net-art : Le GIF, c’est chic

Saturday, May 27th, 2006

Des détournements d’artistes, une expo à San Francisco, c’est le grand retour des premières images animées apparues sur le web. AVANT EUX, LE WEB ÉTAIT FIGÉ. Puis les GIF sont arrivés, clinquants, gigotants, criards, pour mettre un peu de couleur et de mouvement dans les pages. «Au milieu des années 90, poster une animation en […]

Monday, May 22nd, 2006

She tiger lips, looking forward the president wasn’t clear the buddha’s spy tell them the secret

1 million t:me

Saturday, May 20th, 2006


Tuesday, May 2nd, 2006

Txt: Beatrice Ferrario Area: Net Art L’autore dell’opera di net art di cui parleremo in questo articolo ha costruito e va costruendo intorno a sé un alone di mistero, sia grazie alla popolarità di cui sta godendo nell’ambiente della net art negli ultimi tempi ma soprattutto perchè non compare in pubblico e non dice nulla […]


Wednesday, April 19th, 2006

by ADRIANA FERREIRA SILVA Folha de S. Paulo, 19/04/06 http://www.folha.uol.com.br/ read : http://www.screenfull.net/#artena

Jimpunk: cinema mixato in rete

Wednesday, March 15th, 2006

Questo artista francese è solito realizzare animazioni multiwindow costituite da semplici loop come le .gif animate. Jimpunk ora ha realizzato un nuovo lavoro dove mette assieme anni di esperienza nella costruzione di ‘macchine interattive’ in rete per il mixaggio di video e anni di definizione di un maturo stile estetico, costituito dall’utilizzo di una grana […]

Jimpunk, o la locura » de perderse en la red

Saturday, January 28th, 2006

Por Nilo Casares. Ya me referí en otra ocasión a Jimpunk a propósito de su pieza Screenfull (www.screenfull.net) realizada a medias con el artista Rick Silva. Pero esta vez lo traigo hasta aquí porque acaba de presentar su última obra en la que pone lo que encuentra por ahí. De este modo, Pulp href (www.jimpunk.com/www.pulp.href) […]