
The Sharpest Point By Chris Gehman, Steve Reinke

Sunday, December 18th, 2005

The Discrete Charm of the digital image : animation and new media by David Clark http://books.google.com/books?id=XFW2vY9Yib0C&pg=PA145&dq=jimpunk&ei=IVFKScLPKpSWMsuviZYM

jimpunk besøger Mouchette – en cool affære pÃ¥ nettet

Thursday, November 17th, 2005

Der er noget selvbekræftende ved at se sine gode venner mødes – og have noget til fælles. Det fryder mig derfor, at to af mine yndlingsavatarer for længst har fundet sammenog interageret via deres browsere. Netaktivisten jimpunk , kendt for at "destruere din browser med indhold" – og den selvmordsbesatte net-lolita Mouchette, hvis navn refererer […]


Friday, November 4th, 2005

Rhizome ArtBase Spotlight: ~ 1n-0ut [meditation] ~ (2003) by jimpunk, a piece that orchestrates multiple browsers into what we’d like to call ‘desktop wave’.


Saturday, October 15th, 2005

SCREENFULL has been inactive for a while but jimpunk has a new interactive piece: “Joseph.Beuys – JA JA JA JA JA NEE NEE NEE NEE NEE – AsCii Sound rem:x – #1 – 20051013-12:04.” A shamanistic utterance by Beuys–not familiar with the clip–is given the Steve Reich “Come Out” treatment in three dimensions, the dimensions […]

net art : Remixing Joseph Beuys

Friday, October 14th, 2005

Posted by vtanni on 2005/10/14 18:55:54 (106 reads) Joseph Beuys è uno degli artisti contemporanei più amati. Un po’ per la sua rarissima capacità di coniugare forma e contenuto, politica e poetica, un po’ per il fascino indubbio del personaggio. Molte le citazioni e gli omaggi, che fioccano anche in rete… [segue] Joseph Beuys is […]

Midterm Essay

Tuesday, October 11th, 2005

by Magz read screenpress.html#midte

You ve Been Punked!

Friday, September 23rd, 2005

by Johanna Fateman read screenpress.html#YouveB

O grande vídeo

Thursday, September 1st, 2005

by Marcus Bastos read http://p.php.uol.com.br/tropico/html/textos/2639,1.shl

magnum i.p.

Saturday, July 23rd, 2005

the 24hr online performance/happening/blog “magnum i.p.” has now concluded please visit it in it’s archived form at http://www.screenfull.net/magnum-i.p/ linkoln + jimpunk

cyber.tender.loving irony

Wednesday, June 29th, 2005

Jimpunk, Paris: AcidMissile ——————————————————————————– cyber.tender.loving irony by ibro fooman hasanovic, Sarajevo AcidMissile by the French artist jimpunk stands out from the other works shown by the project 56kTV. What compelled me to write about this piece is its ‘clean’ approach and the way the artist compiles the elements of his visual language. The artist describes […]


Monday, June 27th, 2005

by //jonCates screenpress.html#SCRy


Wednesday, June 22nd, 2005

Rhizome Home Rhizome ArtBase 101 surveys salient themes in Internet art, a practice that has flourished in the last ten years. The exhibition presents forty selections from Rhizome.org’s online archive of new media art, the ArtBase, which was launched in 1999 and currently holds some 1,500 works by artists from around the world. Featured works […]

Há trangressões nos videoblogs?

Sunday, June 12th, 2005

by Marcus Bastos read ~marcusbastos/mbastos_log/archives/001127.html

Innovation: net art Building an Australian networked future

Saturday, June 4th, 2005

by Melinda Rackham http://www.realtimearts.net/rt67/rackham.html

Il fascino in-discreto dell’errore

Wednesday, May 11th, 2005

Screenfull.net Per una volta i contenuti non scarseggiano. Anzi, sono decisamente troppi. Così tanti che il browser non li contiene e crolla. Sconfitto da troppe immagini, troppi video, troppi link. Due net artisti esplorano l’estetica del collasso. E sfidano il vostro computer… pubblicato mercoledì 11 maggio 2005 Lo schermo è ipertrofico, sovraffollato, traboccante. Zeppo di […]