Remember this?
Tuesday, February 22nd, 2005Several years ago I was on a jury for a Networked art show…. While sifting through endless days of sites I came across jimpunk’s “” . How refreshing to sit back, feel out of control and to be driven along by the browser. Somewhere in the midst of the work was a section where […]
A Dual-Media Hybrid
Saturday, January 29th, 2005A Dual-Media Hybrid – 56kTV – bastard channel – the international online art project curated by at the invitation of the Arts Council of Switzerland Pro Helvetia – … – Jimpunk’s furious choreography of sound and image, too, uses the floss of computer culture, setting Google dialogues, spam headers, pop-ups and typograph-ically constructed figures […]
Télévision : 56 k à part
Friday, November 26th, 2004ART-MEDIAS ET CARNETS DE BÂLE.Viper, le festival de vidéo et nouveaux médias, se tenait le week-end dernier en Suisse. 56k, une chaîne mi-télé, mi-Web avec sa série, son JT, son web-thriller… Par Marie LECHNER vendredi 26 novembre 2004 (Liberation – 06:00) … Intrigue transpacifique. Certaines émissions se savourent comme des films. Le web-thriller chaotique […]
AcidMissile. A scatter-zapped action movie
Thursday, November 18th, 2004Part of a TV station’s repertoire are action movies, and part of a TV consumer’s behaviour is the zapping action. Parisian artist jimpunk’s action movie AcidMissile presents an aesthetics of picture-musicality, a dynamic montage of sound and image, which samples itself through news and entertainment programs’ clichés. From the Comic-Ego to the AsciiCode Warrior to […]
Thursday, June 3rd, 2004por Nilo Casares Con una anticipación que hace a su tÃtulo «Diario de un genio» superar la literatura para adentrarse en la verdad, Salvador Dalà bromeaba con el nombre Piet de Mondrian para hacerlo «nyet» (nada, en ruso) por proximidad fonética y apuntar que sus obras serÃan, en un futuro no muy lejano, obras cibernéticas […]
Wednesday, March 17th, 2004This Is Your Browser. This is your Browser on ):mpun<
Friday, February 27th, 2004At first the web site is not much to look at. A default-grey background with a rather unexciting table of contents is pretty much it, punctuated only by the simple jimpunk logo, a white-on-black line drawing of a guy with a little body and a big blocky head. You might notice some slowly lengthening […]
The Screen of
Tuesday, January 27th, 2004jules et jim (2004) – ctgr, jimpunk and maya
Thursday, January 1st, 2004via This is a soft bitter work that starts off as a quirky flow of red, green and white little pop up windows hopping about the desktop, and ends brimming with intensity and sadness. It is a re-make of Henri-Pierre Roche’s novel Jules et Jim: an obscure story made famous by Francois Truffaut’s 1962 […]
Amy Alexander writes about Jimpunk and Josh Larios
Saturday, November 15th, 2003The word “network,” at least in a social sense, seems to have a connotation of closedness. Think of the term “networking” – it refers to making connections with people within a fairly tightly defined circuit. A network can be a “community” – and that’s a Good Thing. But it can also become a clique, sometimes […]
if (jimpunk==prozac)…
Tuesday, November 4th, 2003You can’t escape jimpunk. I tried, believe me: it was easy to be disillusioned with, with so many new works showing up on the list-servs plunging so far into the morass of conceptualism that both the “net” and “network” properties that have always distinguished the medium seem to have submerged somewhere deep below the […]
Monday, October 20th, Automation The site is mainly characterized by it’s automation. All of the pieces presented to us in a sequence. The piece would automaticaly cycle through its content in the sequence it was designed. At some point it stops at a loop until interaction from the user is invoked. This interaction can either be […]
Friday, October 17th, 2003from Jaka Železnikar Jimpunk, Jimpunk: /_____________1_____________/ in www.-reverse.-flash-.-.back-. Ne pozabite svojemu pregledovalniku dopustiti, da strani lahko same odpirajo nova okna. Likovna izraznost, ki uporablja okna kot del svoje estetike, kot prisvojen element vmesnika, enakovreden animiranim vsebinam, ki segajo od popolnega formalizma do kopice kulturnih associacij. Presecni množici: DJ/VJ kultura, zgodnja spletna umetnost. ——————————————————————————–
Wednesday, October 15th, 2003I’ve always found the browser art of Parisian net.artist jimpunk utterly stunning. His newest work, .-reverse.-flash-.-.back- arrived in my email box yesterday. Abstract. Intricate. Layered. Captivating. Art is a process of discovery, a practice of science, an exploration of medium. jimpunk’s work, to me, places nothing ON the medium; instead, it is sculpted from it. […]