Abstraction Now!,
Saturday, September 20th, 20031n-0ut, suoni e interfacce a tutto schermo.
Monday, September 1st, 2003Il lavoro di settembre presentato dal DIAN (Digital Interactive Artists’ Network) è 1n-0ut dell’artista francese Jimpunk, autore di numerosi esperimenti di poesia e animazione quali GogolChat, International Computers *Error*, Slampoetrypictures e T.L.J. project. Un’ipnotico loop di sottofondo scandisce l’alternarsi continuo delle finestre prodighe di simboli, astrazioni geometriche e zoom su figure che ritornano con sistematicità […]
Im Internet: Künstlerseiten
Monday, July 28th, 2003JIMPUNK, ein Internetkünstler dessen Seite mit den Erscheinungsformen von Internetbefragungen und Fehlermeldungen spielt. Ebenso überraschend wie erstaunlich sind die Animationen und Pixelspielereien mit multiplen Quadraten und tanzen Totenköpfen. Die verwirrende Navigation durch die vielfach verschachtelte Hierarchie sollte einen dabei nicht abschrecken. Eine wahre Punkseite! link…
How does TV culture affect new media and the web?
Friday, July 25th, 2003Now the above question can be entertained in Jim Punk’s latest blogspot: http://544×378.free.fr/(WebTV)/index.htm. WebTV is a blog specializing in graphics as opposed to text. The result is a commentary on TV culture as a medium affecting new technologies such as the web. WebTV uses TV language to create a daily journal. Jim Punk’s new blogspot […]
jules et jim
Tuesday, June 3rd, 2003gogolchat by amy alexander
Thursday, May 8th, 2003gogolchat Gogolchat is a bot whose dialogue is gathered from web texts. It actually responds to what you write, but with dialogue gathered from the web – and so it takes on the web’s “personality.” One finds oneself in the familiar Eliza-patient situation: asking Gogolchat questions, expecting sterile, generic, occasionally logical AI responses incorporating one’s […]
From Telecommunication and Network Art to todays Web Art
Sunday, March 23rd, 2003The Comtemporary Net.Art http://www.geocities.com/netart01/text2.htm … Sterling and Johnson perfectly qualifies Net.Art here in the sense that it is all about experimenting a new form of Art by combining different traditional and new media with software. A great combination of weird artistic and programming creations that gives birth to innovative hybrid Net-based multimedia (hypermedia) projects claiming […]
Wednesday, March 12th, 2003::: Jimpunk ::: Artysta “sieciowej sztuki”, Francuz, wspólpracuje z innymi artystami zwiazanymi z medium, jakim jest Internet. Polecamy jego strone: http://www.jimpunk.com Odsylacz ‘Info’ na jego strony podaje: â€exit. zero % of art. one % of art. ten % of art. twanty % of no-art. no_art garanty. I’m furious. hell is god ?. red shadow. 1 […]
Javascript meditation
Tuesday, March 4th, 2003Un componimento incomprensibile, un po’ in francese un po’ in inglese, figlio zoppicante di un translator mal programmato. La traccia sonora di un elettrocardiogramma, che ritma lenta un succedersi apparentemente interminabile di pagine che si moltiplicano, si spostano sullo schermo, si ridimensionano, lampeggiano – e che, come al cinema, ha una brusca accelerata finale per […]
Monday, March 3rd, 2003Jim Punk [If you’ve got a spare 5 minutes, check out the new web piece by jimpunk.com. It’s got sound but it’s not loud. Let’s call this an elegy for a certain brand of techno-futurism, but perhaps for a constructivist ethos as a whole, whether it be the international style, those assembly-line short haircuts or […]
http://www.virose.pt/vector/ [e-zine]
Sunday, February 23rd, 2003força dos trabalhos de Jimpunk —como no caso deste samuraï.remix— reside na potenciação de uma espécie de sabotagem à ideia literal de interactividade que a estes projectos costuma estar associada. A velocidade a que se desenrolam as sucessões de imagens e textos como que boicotam as suas potencialidades interactivas e, aÃ, reside o seu carácter […]
Monday, February 10th, 2003Javascript pop-up windows take on a new role in No War No Game. Once inside the website, it is best to just let go and wait until the javascript windows run their course. An abstract and violent narrative is the result of the obsessive scripting. The excessive amount of windows becomes a metaphor for bombings. […]
GogolChat, chiacchiere irrazionali.
Wednesday, November 6th, 2002GogolChat una finta chat che attraverso un’apposito set di istruzioni in DHTML seziona i dialoghi e li integra attraverso un motore di ricerca, In questo modo testi e immagini campionate e duplicate ritornano nello spazio di conversazione saturandolo con detriti digitali e altri scampoli di web, che descrivono una sorta di distorto immaginario generale. Realizzato […]
Saturday, November 2nd, 2002Bi radi doz›iveli klepetalnis›ko (chat room) konverzacijo s precejs›njim kosom interneta? Natanc›neje, s tistim kosom, ki ga ‘vidi’ Google? Gogolchat omogoc›a prav to. Da pa ne bi bilo bizarno-dadaistic›no~ zgolj Gogolchat-ovo besedic›enje, ki temelji na vas›em vnosu in njega oprogramljeni interpretaciji zadetkov le tega na Googlu, poskrbiu tudi DHTML, ki vse skupaj vizualizira po svoje. […]