July 11th, 2006 
~ vlog rem:x of DVblog.org videos ~
the pink panther
Inside jokes are rarely funny to a general audience, but in French internet artist Jimpunk’s ‘DVblogH4ck,’ the public is invited in on the joke. Dvblog.org is one of the web’s most popular Quicktime video sites. Such a distinction might imply that its content would consist more exclusively of memes, but the vlog is actually loaded with new and classic artist’s videos. This balance made it perfect fodder for Jimpunk, who recently started his own vlog where he posts remixes of Dvblog videos. The increasing popularity of video websites might seem to enable anyone with a US$20 Quicktime Pro account to make movie magic, but Jimpunk’s hacks are highly-polished gems resulting from various strains of shredding and pixel-popping. Each takes the medium’s realist tradition for a ride and yet maintains an index of its origin. Adding to the fun is English artist Michael Szpakowski, co-manager of DV Blog with Doron Golan, whose ‘DVblog H4ck B4ck’ remixed Jimpunk’s remixes until these indices of origin gave way to abstract geometries of light and color. Collectively, internet users are given three times the stimulation of a single screening. Start in the middle and work your way out. – James Petrie
via rhizome
Sonar Festival – 15, 16, 17 june – Barcelona.
www.pulp.href exhibited in Digital Art A La Carte, one of the exhibition areas of the Festival focused on new media art.
-a mÃnima::
Please, Sit Back, Watch and Listen
exhibition:::::::::::::::::::house of words
curator::::::::::::::::::::::nilo casares
texts of book::::::::::::::::a lot of partners
:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::in a nilo casares edition
published by::::::::::::::::::::gran canaria espacio digital
:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::from monday to friday
room:::::::::::::::::::::::::gran canaria espacio digital
::::::::::::::::::::::::::::introduction of the exhibition::::::::::::::::::::
house of words: a place in hyperspace where a piece of writing may
experience an abduction.
QT rem:x of DVblog.org videos
nato1_ 414 Ko
nato2_ 644 Ko
WilliamWegman-StevMartin 1258 Ko
H4ckthefrenchdemocracy 62 Ko
subterranean_ 486 Ko
gijoe10.html 550 Ko
journey 190 Ko
mygeneration 949 Ko
maltese_falcon 1128 Ko
Stare02_ 180 Ko
coffee_and_cigarettes_ 270 Ko
essen_dortmund_lederhosen_ 236 Ko
gta_lego_city 766 Ko
attack_ofthe_50ft_woman 815 Ko
trooper 614 Ko
1947 546 Ko
Des détournements d’artistes, une expo à San Francisco,
c’est le grand retour des premières images animées apparues sur le web.
AVANT EUX, LE WEB ÉTAIT FIGÉ. Puis les GIF sont arrivés, clinquants, gigotants, criards, pour mettre un peu de couleur et de mouvement dans les pages. «Au milieu des années 90, poster une animation en GIF [Graphic Interchange Format Files] sur son site était un acte de bravoure, une manière d’épater la galerie à une époque où les pages étaient statiques, raconte Marisa Olson, 28 ans, commissaire à Rhizome.org,….
may 5,6 & 7
SURGE at observatori 2006 museo de las ciencias principe felipe, Valencia Spain
rhizome.org & free103point9.org
(Rrose AsCii morse Code)
“Surge is an online exhibition of web-based projects selected from an open call for submissions. Surge includes works by artists 31 Down, Abe Linkoln and Marisa Olson, Angel Nevarez and Alex Rivera, NYSAE (New York Society for Acoustic Ecology), Jimpunk, and Leslie Sharpe. The featured projects employ new media tools to both conceptually and formally address different possibilities for transmission art online. Some consider the nature of signals as they move through the ether; others appropriate forms of wireless transmission, such as the military’s aerial ‘drone’ or the programming language AsCii, to propose new kinds of digital communication. Surge is co-presented by free103point9 and Rhizome.”