

May 2nd, 2006


Txt: Beatrice Ferrario
Area: Net Art

L’autore dell’opera di net art di cui parleremo in questo articolo ha costruito e va costruendo intorno a sé un alone di mistero, sia grazie alla popolarità di cui sta godendo nell’ambiente della net art negli ultimi tempi ma soprattutto perchè non compare in pubblico e non dice nulla della propria origine (anche se il dominio del suo sito web pare sia registrato in Francia). Di certo sappiamo solo il suo nome (o dovremmo forse dire “nickname”) d’arte: Jimpunk. Volevamo intervistarlo, ma non trova interessante parlare di se stesso. Preferisce che gli altri dicano cosa pensano dei suoi lavori. E Pulp.href è l’ultimo di una lunga serie, nella quale trova posto anche una collaborazione per 56KTV Bastard Channel, progetto di cui ci siamo occupati nel mese di dicembre 2005. Vincitore del One second video festival, Jimpunk fa videoart con frammenti di “seconda mano”. Una vera tv spazzatura, che appartiene anch’essa a quella filosofia che attinge dall’enorme…




The GIF Show, an exhibition…

April 29th, 2006


Curated by Marisa Olson


GIFs Galore! And More!

April 28th, 2006


The GIF Show, an exhibition opening May 3rd, at San Francisco’s Rx Gallery, takes the pulse of what some net surfers call ‘GIF Luv,’ a recent frenzy of file-sharing and creative muscle-flexing associated with GIFs (Graphic Interchange Format files). Curated by Marisa Olson in a West Coast Rhizome collaboration with Rx, the show presents GIFs and GIF-based videos, prints, readymades, and sculptures by a range of artists, including Cory Arcangel, Peter Baldes, Michael Bell-Smith, Jimpunk, Olia Lialina, Abe Linkoln, Guthrie Lonergan, Lovid, Tom Moody, Paper Rad, Paul Slocum, and Matt Smear (aka 893/umeancompetitor). GIFs have a rich cultural life on the internet and each bears specific stylistic markers. From Myspace graphics to advertising images to porn banners, and beyond, GIFs overcome resolution and bandwidth challenges in their pervasive population of the net. Animated GIFs, in particular, have evolved from a largely cinematic, cell-based form of art practice, and have more recently been incorporated in music videos and employed as stimulating narrative devices on blogs. From the flashy to the minimal, the sonic to the silent, the artists in The GIF Show demonstrate the diversity of forms to be found in GIFs, and many of them comment on the broader social life of these image files. The opening is sure to be just as lively, with music by Eats Tapes and visuals by Nate Boyce. Spread the luv! – Rhizome.org




Marisa Olson
Editor & Curator at Large
Rhizome.org at the
New Museum of Contemporary Art



April 19th, 2006


Folha de S. Paulo, 19/04/06 http://www.folha.uol.com.br/

read : http://www.screenfull.net/#artena


Surge Live

March 28th, 2006

March 28, 2006 : 6pm – 9pm

Participant, Inc.
95 Rivington Street
New York, New York 10002

free103point9 and Rhizome are pleased to present Surge Live at Participant, Inc. A reception to celebrate Surge an online exhibition exploring the aesthetics of wireless transmission.


Jimpunk: cinema mixato in rete

March 15th, 2006

Questo artista francese è solito realizzare animazioni multiwindow costituite da semplici loop come le .gif animate. Jimpunk ora ha realizzato un nuovo lavoro dove mette assieme anni di esperienza nella costruzione di ‘macchine interattive’ in rete per il mixaggio di video e anni di definizione di un maturo stile estetico, costituito dall’utilizzo di una grana frammentata e montaggio non lineare.


Con il suo ultimo lavoro Pulp.href, ha realizzato una sorta di sala software di mixaggio audiovideo, dove tutti i campioni sono chiaramenti esposti sullo schermo secondo una semplice matrice che lega ogni pulsante a un frammento audiovisuale tratto da classici del nostro immaginario visuale, come film del cinema, cartoni animati, concerti rock, tutto quanto presentato su uno schermo diviso in sei parti, un collage post-moderno a bassa definizione.


Questo tipo di ricerca si inserisce in una ambito di ricerca tra in più interessanti della rete, il webcinema, dove l’estetica dei videoclip incontra le possibilità interattive di flash o le modalità di montaggio frammentato dei javascript. Vi è un certo piacere nell’esplorare questo tipo di produzioni sperimentali, vi sono suggestioni di quello che in un prossimo futuro basato sulla condivisione e sull’interattività potrebbe essere il nostro rapporto con l’immagine in movimento e il suono.

Davide Vallace


via teknemedia.net/


DIY Video Mix

March 10th, 2006

French artist Jimpunk makes anarchic collages out of animated GIFs, exploding pop-up windows, ASCII drawings, and other internet conventions. Most of his projects require some viewer input to set a manic, web-based bricolage in motion, but a recent project, titled ‘Pulp,’ goes a step further, allowing users to make custom mixes of grainy video clips. A menu of cryptically-labeled shots fills the bottom of a browser window, and when a viewer clicks one, a video loop plays in one of six tiled frames that form a mosaic across the top of the window. Some of the clips are abstracted from film and television while featuring stylized interference. Others are just fuzz and static with high-pitched tones ringing underneath. Playing two or three together yields hypnotic patterns of sound and video; opening six at once creates a cacophony. But maybe that’s how this type of participatory art is completed: the viewer finally mixes up a combination of imagery and sound that is so blissfully overestimating, they are forced to either click away or stare at it indefinitely. – Bill Hanley


via rhizome.org


News Drawing(S

February 21st, 2006

Kunstenaars geven hun visie op de actualiteit. Deze aflevering: News Drawing(S van jimpunk.




End Notes

February 17th, 2006

collaborative gif with Tom Moody converted in a .mov DVD by himself

read more www.digitalmediatree.com/tommoody/?35117

& www.digitalmediatree.com/tommoody/?35149



February 16th, 2006



Muse: Urania

February 10th, 2006




Jimpunk, o la locura » de perderse en la red

January 28th, 2006

Por Nilo Casares.

Ya me referí en otra ocasión a Jimpunk a propósito de su pieza Screenfull (www.screenfull.net) realizada a medias con el artista Rick Silva. Pero esta vez lo traigo hasta aquí porque acaba de presentar su última obra en la que pone lo que encuentra por ahí.
De este modo, Pulp href (www.jimpunk.com/www.pulp.href) representa su última aportación al apropiacionismo que le caracteriza, y del que no es exclusivo representante, pero sí uno de los más destacados. Aunque en este caso me gustaría saber si todo el código es fruto del hurto, como siempre acostumbra a hacer, cosa que no podré averiguar ya que todo el mundo en la Red especula con la identidad de Jimpunk.
Según algunas fuentes, es un francés; según otras, podría ser un hombre y hay quien lo sitúa fuera de Francia por más que al hacer un whois ?buscar el nombre del propietario del dominio dado de alta en la oficina de registro? nos diga que reside en ese país. El misterio rodea a Jimpunk y él lo acrecienta al negarse a aparecer en público, por lo que resulta imposible conocer su identidad, algo que tampoco le caracteriza en exclusiva ya que existen otros net.artistas que también la ocultan.

CONFUSIÓN ASEGURADA. La obra de Jimpunk se edifica sobre un completo apropiacionismo y el uso elegante y con profusión de los comandos en javascript para conseguir que el visitante obtenga de la navegación mucho menos de lo que espera y se confunda sobre todo porque deja de tener el control por distintos motivos, como que las ventanas estén pautadas para ser disparadas tanto si tocas el enlace que corresponde como si no, porque toques donde toques te lleva a lo mismo sin ir a ninguna parte, o por taladrarte la cabeza con un ruidito insidioso y pertinaz que sólo te consigues sacar de encima cuando cierras la pieza, todos ellos elementos que tampoco le pertenecen en exclusiva, como nada en su obra, ya que si bien todo lo coge y recicla para incorporarlo en sus distintas piezas, nada lo hace con originalidad aunque sí con un sentido del tempo y unos ritmos sonoros y visuales que lo hacen muy distintos a lo habitual. Con los logros de otros consigue unas piezas absolutamente personales de las que sólo podemos decir que son un acierto combinatorio y un prodigio vertiginoso.
Hasta ahora, entrabas en una obra suya ?algo muy del net.art es que entras a las obras, las visitas entrando en ellas, mirándole un poquito las tripas, y en su caso esto se hace hasta la náusea?, para perder el control, para dejarte ir porque el ratón se olvidaba de responder a tus designios, salvo en el caso de la Bastard TV (www.56k-bastard.tv). De la falta de control podría poner ejemplos como Joseph Beuys (www.jimpunk.com/Joseph.Beuys) en la que toques donde toques te sale el mismo fatidioso dictum beuysiano o en Ping Tongs (www.jimpunk.com/www/PingTongs) que te deja los oídos finos.

RECURSOS AUDIOVISUALES. Pero la obra de que quiero hablar es Pulp href, en la que, como viene haciendo desde Screenfull, introduce el vídeo, y lo hace de idéntica manera, bajo la forma de clips basura que coge de donde los encuentra, con un componente sonoro ruidista muy fuerte para acusar esa idea de bazofia y ruido que aparece en nuestra navegación y que conseguiríamos con el simple rescate de los archivos depositados en la caché de nuestro navegador. Todos esos subproductos de nuestro viaje por la Red, ahora ordenados en matrices puestas a mano, son los que presenta este autor para que tú vayas conformando una parrilla de programación internética que te deja completamente exhausto porque no sabes a santo de qué viene. Y con esa pequeña dosis de la pulpa dejada caer al navegar, Jimpunk te monta el pollo habitual en él. Antes de entrar, toma una tila.

via www.abc.es/abcd/noticia.asp?id=3190&dia=&sec=39



January 14th, 2006

Briefly noted, this excellent video/Net DIY collage piece by jimpunk. You need Quicktime 7 to view. The elements of the grid, the composite, and short loops could all be seen in an earlier work, Michael Ensdorf’s Momentary Distractions. What jimpunk adds is the ability to mix and match clips, a slew of pop culture and historical references (a pistol-wagging Benicio Del Toro, Flight 93, Jodie Foster panicking), ambitious graphic design in the more psychedelic patterns, snippets of found and/or industrial style music, and an overall sense of anarchic humor. Net Art seems to be evolving here, or perhaps a better metaphor would be morphing into an explosively violent alien entity, like Natasha Henstridge in Species.

– tom moody 1-14-2006 12:13 pm [link] [3 comments]

via digitalmediatree.com/tommoody/?34631


Gogolchat – Sollertis Gallery

January 14th, 2006

(january 10 to february 11) collaboration work (Gogolchat) in the solo exhibition of Christophe Bruno – Sollertis gallery – Toulouse

more pictures from the Chris Bruno solo exibition in Toulouse here



January 10th, 2006

Rhizome and free103point9 present:
Surge is an online exhibition that includes works by artists 31 Down, Abe Linkoln and Marisa Olson, Angel Nevarez and Alex Rivera, NYSAE (New York Society for Acoustic Ecology), Jim Punk, and Leslie Sharpe. The featured projects employ new media tools to address the theme of wireless transmission.


Rrose AsCii morse Code

The looping web-based video Rrose AsCii morse Code holds a single, still shot of a portrait of Rrose Sélavy, the feminine alter ego of Marcel Duchamp. Appearing at first to be a simple black and white drawing on paper, the portrait gradually reveals itself to be rendered not in ink but in the programming format AsCii (the American Standard Code for Information Interchange). As the portrait quavers in front of the camera, a morse code translation of the lines of AsCii code it is written in is steadily tapped out. Drawing on Duchampian plays on authorship and originality, Rrose AsCii morse Code evokes contested and timely issues of aesthetic creation and copyright online.

