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Subject : W139.nl/site specific
To :
Date : 2001/09/14

Yes,hello My name is marleen and I am working for W139. W139 is a non profit gallery in Amsterdam. We have like every 6 weeks a new show here. I am concerned about the website of W139 (http://w139.nl) On the site there is a special space called ' site specific' we ask artists if they like to make a work especially for this 'Site specific'. The name af the 'site specific-artist' will be mentioned on the invitation. There is an enormous mailing list from the gallery. And the work will be shown through the whole period of the exhibition . I saw your site and I realy enjoyed it. I would like to ask you if you are interested to make a little work for this 'Site specific' The next exhibition starts at 14 th of september. please have a look at our site and let me know if you are interested. thanks, marleen W139 Warmoesstraat 139 1012JB Amsterdam tel 020 -62%%%%%%%%%% fax 02 -625122%%%%%% E-mail enter@%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%.nl URL http://www.w139.nl/