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Subject : http://dfar_451.hybrid.concordia.ca/db/manovich/jim_punk/index.htm
From :
Date : 2003/10/20
Link : http://dfar_451.hybrid.concordia.ca/db/manovich/jim_punk/index.htm

Jimpunk.com http://www.jimpunk.com


The site is mainly characterized by it's automation. All of the pieces presented to us in a sequence. The piece would automaticaly cycle through its content in the sequence it was designed. At some point it stops at a loop until interaction from the user is invoked. This interaction can either be a click on a link, the position or scroll of the mouse. The pieces seem to be in natative form though some of them I just can't follow or they simply don't make sense. A script in the page creates and destroys, moves and reisizes a great number of pop-up windows which are relevent to the composition.


The Jimpunk website collects pages in a sequential order and runs them against various java scripts in the database stored on the server, seemingly to the narrative of some sort of social comment. These comments are litterally interpreted in many parts, however the majority are implied through the actions of the browser invoked by actions of the user v.s. various hyperlinks. The images and browsers apear in various sizes, colours, and for different amounts of time. On the index page the user is offered their selection of work, and those pieces toy with our control that we are accustomed to.

Script kidding at its worst

Jim Punk's art is largely inspired by the symbols surrounding computer imagery and especially icons. Flying windows, flashing colours and pixelized picture are following one another into what seems to be a big mess of javascript soup.

Borrowing from old and new computer culture in the way he creates images, especially with that little logo/character he created for himself, Jim Punk brings a new life to it by bringing it into a new context. Creating dynamic mosaics out of old patterns used as background in older mac version are but one example in which Punk takes what could be called obsolete culture and presents a new interactive piece out of it. In that sense Jim Punk is effectively transcoding computer culture's imagery.

He plays a lot on the structure too. Using the container, in this case Internet Explorer, to graphical ends as opposed to just something in which we're supposed to view webpages. At some point you even loose control of what is supposed to let you navigate and that can also be related to Malevich's transcoding.